About Us

FLECS... a journey
between Artisanship and Modernity

Three generations ago we decide that our ultimate goal was to transmit the love, passion and dedication we have for the footwear artisanship. This is why wearing our shoes is an experience, more so, a journey!

Our History

From its founding in 1993 Flecs decided to entrust the production or its footwear to highly specialised shoemaker masters, who combined their experience with our technologicaly advanced equipment and high quality materials.

A distinctive feature of our products comes form our particular way of processing the leather. The different stages of the dyeing process bring to light unique colours, impossible to find in any other footwear on the market.

Exclusively Made in Italy

Our Mission

Our goal is to always chose the best materials, rigorously “made in Italy” and handcraft them with particular attention to the detail and finishings.
Our story gives us roots and experience, but we are always looking forward to the future, always innovating our reality.

Our Philosofy

Flecs gives value to every single material needed for the realisation of the final product in order to enhace the beauty and the warranty of the “made in Italy” mark. We believe in being meticulous with the details in order to create exclusive and easily distinguishable designs.

A passion passed down through generations

Exclusively Made in Italy
Flecs, managed by the brothers Nicola (product manager), Enrico (administration manager), Pasquale (technical manager) and Massimo Estinto (design) it’s a highly appreciated brand on the international market, recognised as a landmark of the “made in Italy” mark.

Our brand established itself in countries like Switzerland, Holland, France, Germany and Belgium thanks to the quality of our products as well as that of customer care and logistics management.

Milan, Paris, Monaco or Dusseldorf ar some of the most important exhibition centers of the footwear industry where Flecs is recognised for the quality of their products and the earnestness of their work. The passion that along the generations animated the founding family flows through to the company’s employees creating a big family set to create some amazing footwear.


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